

Stand in the middle of the street,
look at the Moon:
they say, it must invoke
malice in me?
But no matter how long I've lived,
the Moon had
nothing in common with my malice;
I thought I was better than everyone,
and when something was
not the way I wanted, then ...

Always wanted a family and love,
but did I know what love was?
And do you know what love is
do think it exists,
or do you only think it up for yourself?
You knowledge, diploma, car, house,
Armani, wristwatch, the macho stare -
what else do you need
for the fullness of your Moon?

The usual balance of this life:
if you want to buy her heart,
then you'll become money,
if you want to love,
then you'll become a wanting,
and if you will love,
then who knows,
and if you will be loved,
then God help you to know of that.

Depression - damn! -
Demons, out the door!
Give me the will
to forgive myself at last!
Demons, enough of making the soup
of the unneeded thoughts ...
There are no thoughts,
there are no thoughts,
there's no money,
but - feelings?
Quickly, quickly!

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