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The flow of tears,
Coming from your eyes, is heavy.
Like a dark night,
Your days bare no sun.
The screams of your souls
are heard,
but not yet answered.
Your lips will remember
again so many words.

We have forgotten these words,
or do we remember them?
So many winters the conversations
have been led on a different language.
Our Love to Everything,
Bringing us from the winter back into the warmth,
will rescue us from the hard times -
I know.

Windy night?
There will be a tranquil day.
Happiness will come to you
that day.

I see a little island
with a crystal house on top,
all windows and doors are open -
and that's where we live.
Animals and birds come to visit us,
to unfetter new secrets to us,
and, with their tales of nature,
they teach us to love each other.
And this is not a fairy-tale.

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